Thursday, February 13, 2014

Internet Links of Interest

Todays day was very hectic for me and if tomorrow will be the same, i'm gonna declare this week as hectic week of the month. So much tasks at hand, dexterity at it's fullest level, but still got some pending work for FRY day. But don't worry, i hope your friday will be like TGIF+Valentine Fever for some. Mine Valentine days are already gone, but still i celebrate it with my Production Cluster and FC-SAN, hehehe.

Here are some catchy links that i was able to collect for sharing with you guys..

1) Free Ebooks-anyone wants free M$ ebooks- Powershell Best Practices is my Favorite.

2)Making your Hyper-V infrastructure more robust and secure.

Great write-up and really good tips to make your environment safe from prying-eyes..keep off NSA..

3)Linux Primer from HTG- Rsync and IPtables.

4)Storage Migration nightmares..take this URL before sleep.

5)Awesome New avataar of my favorite Reporting tool -vCheck

6)Book Launch- New Book "Vmware vSphere Resource Management Essentials"

Hope above mentioned Links will ease your work...Njoy

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