Friday, December 20, 2013

Yet Another Virtualization Blog

Hi Virtualization Folks!

In this Blogosphere, I'm contributing this "Yet Another Virtualization Blog".

Although, Internet is already exploding with virtualization content, but imho every virtualization admin can contribute his day-to-day experiences to this ever growing knowledge pool.

Personal blog play two roles
1) personal log and
2) reference for others in-case they face same issue.

And, i think a good story line will make this first blog entry, memorable and give me enthusiasm to write one entry daily. So, here is my story, i got acquainted with virtualization technology in the year 2003, and the credit goes to one of the most successful x86 virtualization company, i think you already guessed it, right!, but still i tell the name for guys who have a hard time guessing i.e. Vmware Inc. i got my hands dirty with  VMware_Workstation 4.0 , this was really astonishing experience for me, to install guest OS (ex. winXP) above winXP acting as host OS. At that time, i didn't felt the potential of this Award winning technology , because of my limited knowledge and exposure to server administration world.when i got the exposure and gained the skills toward my server administration path, i started seeing the benefits of virtualization technology and got familiar with other alternatives as well like QEMU, Xen and Connectix. Since then i never leave any opportunity of pushing virtualization technology as a solution to most of the server sprawl and consolidation problems. I also started doing experimentation with this really cool technology and found that in how many ways it can be utilized. then i started believing that sooner or later IT companies in India will start utilizing(accepting) it as reliable, production ready software for their less critical needs.

VMware was the strongest contender in virtualization market, is not facing any competition from other new-born virtualization softwares. and due to this, virtualization software development was going on very slowly. During this period. Big corporations foreseen the future and started acquisition war, EMC, Microsoft and Citrix, so that, they can get their share of pie or you can say share of upcoming market.

In 2008, when recession arrived in India, IT companies started cutting corners for cost reduction and no-one looked at the number of servers sitting inside their Datacenters, wasting power, DC space, cooling etc. that period no one can forget, it was really hard time for people in IT sector, even i got the 10% deduction letter.
From then onwards, as per Companies 'Recession' is still in india and going to stay here for years.

To be continued...

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