Monday, December 23, 2013

Yet Another Virtualization Blog-Continued

So, "Recession" was completely different topic, although it is very touchy, we will be taking a detour from here and go on to our virtualization track. Indian IT companies started using Virtualization the hard way and in so many ways it's the right step toward cleaner, greener and efficient way towards enterprise IT. I also implemented virtualization infrastructures for Government, semi-government and Mid-sized companies  while working with one of the major IT services company. during my tenure with this company i gained a lot of experience with heterogenous clients and various virtualization software implementation, like Xen, Hyper-V, and Parallels. I think all virtualization companies have almost similar offerings with less or more features, although their underlying approach toward virtualization is completely different and they are moreover inclined towards the companies they have bought. Understanding the underlying approach/technology is very important to implement the solution based on the software. i will cover the underlying technologies/architectures in laymen's language in future posts for mostly used virtualization offerings.

Almost 5 years passed away and during these years i've tasted almost major virtualization software's whether it's Citrix Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, Redhat RHEV or Greatest one VMware vSphere and also got certified on VMware and Microsoft. but our learning won't stop, whenever you start thinking that you've learned enough, there is always some new technology come in front of you. sometime it is like endless levels of playing Mario and still after crossing all the levels you won't get the queen(Please correct me if i'm wrong). Amazon AWS is one of the new kid in the indian market and IT companies are luring toward cloud era. although this is not a new concept, it was their since the days of gmail and google drive. but recently companies started to look towards cloud for complete IT nirvana(get rid of capex, only opex), what about IT guys 'nirvana'?. Some companies are smart or you can say following government laws, they're leveraging the concept of cloud and started building their own private/hybrid clouds for the sake of their own huge IT Departments (humour, not true completely), but for abiding their countries laws. Although cloud solutions looks good on accounts but still require IT staff to manage, when that day will come, when CEO/CIO's can provision server's from their handheld's (Some companies say, we're already there).Don't worry our Job's are secure, what we need to do is just grasp the new cloud based skills and we're good to go.

One positive thing in all this conversation\blog entry is, this second episode that i contributed today, make me feel that i'm not gonna end this blogging project like so many orphaned virtualization blogs.

see you tomorrow.

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